Find the X and Y Intercepts, Given the Equation - Set 1


Once you identify two points of a line, the line may be drawn on a coordinate graph.  Finding the X and Y intercepts is fairly easy to do.       The X-intercept will have an ordered pair of (number, 0) and the Y-intercept will have an ordered pair of (0, number).  When given an equation, to find the X-intercept, simply substitute '0' for the 'y' and determine the value of 'x'.  To find the Y-intercept, simply substitute '0' for the 'x' and determine the value of y.  Observe these examples:


of finding the X and Y intercepts for the given equations:

For 3x + y = 9            3x + 0 = 9 so 3x = 9, so x = 3                  The x-intercept is (3, 0)                 3(0) + y = 9 so 0 + y = 9, so y = 9                                The y-intercept is (0, 9)

For x + 4y = 8             x + 4(0) = 8, so x = 8                               The x-intercept is (8, 0)                 0 + 4y = 8, so 4y = 8, so y = 2                                      The y-intercept is (0, 2)

For 3x - 2y = - 12        3x - 2(0) = - 12, so 3x = - 12, so x = - 4   The x-intercept is (- 4, 0)              3(0) - 2y = - 12, so - 2y = - 12, so y = -12/-2, so y = 6   The y-intercept is (0, 6)


Each equation is written in Standard Form.  For each equation, find the X and Y intercepts using the steps shown.  Try to accomplish this by mental math, and use pencil and paper if needed.  Strive first for high accuracy, and then strive to increase your speed.  Good luck and I hope you enjoy the challenge!
