Close Enough! Finding a Fraction of a Number - Set 1


There are times when it is necessary to be exact and there are times when estimating, or being 'close enough' is sufficient.  This problem set helps you practice estimating, or being 'close enough' when finding a fraction of a number.  As an example, given the problem of finding 1/3 of 61 you can realize that it is easy to 1/3 of 60, so you can convert the problem 'in your head' to 1/3 of 60 and that answer is 20.  Close enough!


Find 1/4 of 89             88 is divisible by 4 and is close to 89.....        1/4 of 88 = 22    Close enough!

Find 3/4 of 47             48 is divisible by 4 and is close to 47.....        1/4 of 48 = 12, so 3/4 of 48 = 36   Close enough!

Find 2/3 of 28             27 is divisible by 3 and is close to 28.....        1/3 of 27 = 9, so 2/3 of 27 = 18     Close enough!


For each problem in this problem set you will round off the whole number so that the problem is easier to accomplish as a 'mental math' problem and your answer is 'close enough'.  Denominators are 2 or 3 or 4.  Strive for being able to accomplish the problems with ease and then strive for speed.  Good luck and enjoy the challenge!
