Being able to simplify fractions completely is a valuable math skill. The first step is to identify the greatest common factor, the "GCF" of the numerator and denominator. Show the numerator and denominator as the multiplication of 2 factors with the GCF as one of the factors. The next step is to break the fraction into 2 fractions with one fraction being the GCF as the numerator and the denominator. The answer to the problem is the other fraction.
60/200 GCF = 20 60/200 = (3*20)/(10*20) = 3/10 * 20/20 = 3/10 * 1 = 3/10
175/200 GCF = 25 175/200 = (25*7)/(25*8) = 25/25 * 7/8 = 1 * 7/8 = 7/8
210/300 GCF = 30 210/300 = (30*7)/(30*10) = 30/30 * 7/10 = 1 * 7/10 = 7/10
The denominators in this problem set are either 200 or 300. Simplify each fraction completely striving for ease of simplifying and then striving for speed. Good luck and enjoy the challenge!